
Luke Darby is an experienced and leading technology professional who has been working in the broadcasting and media industry for the past 15 years.

Originally from South Africa, Luke holds both an academic and technical matric, and graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1996 with a BSc in Electrical Engineering.

Luke is currently Head of Networks, Hosting and Communications at Global Radio, heading up a team of highly skilled professionals who run the LAN/WAN/SAN operations for Global as well as the fixed and mobile voice requirements, and who support and deliver to a business running 24/7.

Responsible for the fully converged LAN/WAN/SAN environments that support the streaming, hosting and communications environments within Global Radio, Luke and his team run their own routing platform at Global Radio, the aim being to provide a more stable network service to the business internationally. Running a diverse voice and video infrastructure which integrates everything from desktop to immersive video within 1 system, across the globe.

Luke currently lives on the south coast near Chichester with his family, his wife Lorrie who is an illustrator and daughter Orla. He spends his spare time tinkering with vintage cars.

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